Connecting A Domain For Email Sending
To start sending emails in the Email Marketing section, you need to first connect your domain. You can do that in the Emails & Automation section -Settings. There you have the option to add your domain. All you need to do is add the CNAME and TXT records provided by you after adding the domain to the platform. Simply go to the domain settings where you've purchased the domain and find the DNS Records area to add the CNAME and TXT records. It might take some time for the DNS recorSome readersCreating An Email Marketing List
To create your list go to your Emails & Automations tab and click on Lists and Subscribers. After that click on Lists and Add List. You can create as many as you want lists in which to assign people from your forms, checkouts, quizzes or import contacts into them.Few readersCreating An Email Marketing Segment
To create your segments go to your Emails & Automations tab and click on Lists and Subscribers. After that click on Add Filter on top of your screen to start adding filters to define your Segments. You can create as many as you want segments based on different criterias. You can also update an existing segment. To view all Segments simply click on the Segments tab next to Lists. ( readersAdding subscribers to your list via Forms/Checkouts/Quizzes
When you go in the settings of a Form/Quiz/Checkout widget, you can see the option for assigning the users to a list in your email marketing section. Once the user submit, they will be automatically assigned.Few readersCreating My Email Templates
Simply go to the Email Templates area and click on My Templates -Add New Template. You can also hover on an existing template -click the 3 dots -clone. That will create an exact replica of the email that you've copied and you can start editing it to your likes.Few readersAdding a Subscriber to a List
When you open the Subscriber's profile you can see the lists that they are currently in. By clicking on Add List you can select to which lists you want the Subscriber to be assigned to.Few readersDouble Opt-In For Your Forms
Double Opt-In helps your users to verify their ownership of the email before they are added as subscribers to your lists. When you select the lists to which you want to add the users you will see below the option to enable the double opt-in option. That will send an email automatically on which the user has to click in order to verify and be added as a subscriber.Few readersAutomation Flows
Few readersHow to Unsubscribe/Subscribe a user
You can do that from the user's profile and on the right hand side you can find the button for Unsubscribe/Subscribe to toggle between. You can also subscribe users in bulk from your current Contacts tab by marking them and clicking on More. Then select Add Contacts To List and select to which list you want to add them. This will subscribe and add the contacts to the selected list. (https://stoFew readersImporting Subscribers
Go into your Lists & Subscribers section in the Email Marketing and click on More -Import. That allows you to import users via .CSV file format and map the fields to the properties in the CRM. You can also subscribe users in bulk from your current Contacts tab by marking them and clicking on More. Then select Add Contacts To List and select to which list you want to add them.Few readers